Summerville SPCA Website Launch

I launched the new Summerville SPCA website three weeks ago, and I can’t believe that I didn’t announce it then. It’s my first website completed while working at Computer Network Total Care and I am pretty happy with it. I built the site with WordPress, and Kym Wallace, from the Summerville Frances R. Willis SPCA, […]

Recycling Computers

Went to Beaufort SC with Roger Swanson today to pick up 73 computers from Grayco, Inc. A big “Thank You!” to Donna Starr for setting this up. We drove down this morning, loaded the computers up, and brought them back to the CNTC shop. Now I have to assess them all and decide what to […]

Broken CPU Fan

Can you believe that this is all that makes up a modern laptop? A client brought this one in the other day. When you turn it on, all it says is that the CPU fan is not working. I’ve ordered a new one and we’ll soon see how it goes. This is the offender.

AngularJS Bootcamp

Had an awesome day Friday, September 20th, at the Charleston Digital Corridor AngularJS CODEcamp. The class was led by Tom Wilson of Jack Russell Software.  I was keeping up pretty well with the lesson for the first half of the class, but struggled some during the second half. Happy to say that the code worked […]

Hello world!

Welcome to my website. My name is Ryan Barrineau and it is my hope that this website will be used by anyone who is interested in who I am and what I am about.